Wednesday 22 May 2013

First panorama

Here's the photo (series) that got me started. Holidaying at the Admiral Hotel in Bergen summer of 2006, I was sitting on the balcony watching the world go by.
I had a vague idea that if you took a sequence of pictures there was some way of joining them up, so without much idea what I was doing took a set of the harbour on my Olympus C5050Z. Back home I found that PixAround software was free and a couple of quick experiments showed it did a reasonable job. Bit of cloning to remove boats and their wash that showed up multiple times in the different frames and Bob's your uncle!
I just revived my Flickr account, triggered mainly by the big increase in storage allowed and am gathering my panoramas there

Monday 20 May 2013

Competition finalist

As an example of the sort of pictures I was taking in 2007 here's one of a series of the London Eye on a very wet day. Since I worked ten minutes walk from the Eye , it featured in quite a few of my projects.

I entered this in the British Airways competition celebrating 25 million visitors to the London Eye, placed as a finalist
Here are some of the other winners riding the Eye after the prizegiving on 27th April 2007
And for my 15 minutes of fame, a feature in the Hampshire Chronicle.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Getting started

On logging back in to Blogger, I see that I set up my account nearly six years ago in February 2007.

At that time I was working in Southwark and my 'carry everywhere' camera was a Canon Ixus 400, a little jewel.

I liked to take it on my lunchtime strolls for pictures in the area, especially panoramas. I'll probably dig some of them out to get this blog started.